Saturday, March 12, 2011


Instructions: Choose one of the following tasks which you will work on at home and during the next class session. All the tasks must be carried out in groups of 4 people.

1. Write a newspaper article about a restaurant you know, stating its good and weak points.

The tasks should include the following steps:
            - search the internet for similar articles which talk about restaurants, showing the positive and negative aspects of it.
            - pay special attention to the style (use of connectors and other devices  which ensure the coherence of your texts).
            - choose the restaurant you want to write about.
            - make a list of strong and weak points of the restaurant. together with a reason why you would recommend this particular restaurant.
            - think of the kind of newspaper you are writing for. Is it a formal one? Or does it have a more ‘lay back” style? Make sure you adapt the style of your article to the newspaper’s requisites.
            - bring all the previously gathered material to class where you will have 40 minutes to carry out the task.
            - once the task is finished, each group must upload their project to the blog.

2. Make a PowerPoint presentation which includes gastronomic recommendations for a tourist that will come visit your town.
The task should include the following steps:
            - search on the internet information about how to make a PowerPoint presentation ( if case you don’t know).
           - Think of a typical restaurant in Málaga you heard about, some typical Andalusian meals and drinks, popular gastronomic events in this region and find information about them.
            - read some magazine/newspaper articles you can find on the internet on the same topic; observe the style used as well as which structures are used to give advice.
            - bring all the materials you found in class where you will have 40 minutes to finish the task.
            - once the task is finished, each group must upload their project to the blog.

3. Make up a menu for the school’s cafeteria, taking into account the principles of the food pyramid.

 The task should include the following steps:
            - search the internet or any other sources for a model which explains the principles of the food pyramid.
            - decide which format you want your menu to have (a booklet, leaflet, A4 sheet etc).
            - brainstorm for ideas of meals you may want to include.
            - take into account the fact that the menu should include meals at a reasonable price (since it will be used in a school’s cafeteria).
            - bring all the materials you found in class where you will have 40 minutes to finish the task and meals have to be explained so that people can decide what they will have.
            - once the task is finished, each group must upload their project to the blog.

4. Make up a questionnaire about food habits. Then, ask a few of your classmates (3-5) to answer the questionnaire and include the results you find in your project.
The task should include the following steps:
            - search for a few models of questionnaire so as to have an idea about the format of this type of text.
            - decide what kind of questions and answers you will include (yes/no questions, multiple answers questions etc).
            - brainstorm for questions you will include in you questionnaire ( 10- 15 should be enough).
            - bring all the materials you have worked on/ found in class where you will have 40 minutes to finish you project.
            - once the task is finished, each group must upload their project to the blog.

5. Create a video about a recipe you know or one you find on the internet, cooking book or any other source.

The tasks should include the following steps:
            - search for the necessary information on the internet, books, magazines etc.
            - observe the style used in recipes and decide which better suits your project.
            - choose the recipe and see what materials you will need (ingredients, kitchen utensils, etc. You can use photos or real objects for your video
            - prepare some guidelines (a draft) that will be used during the recording.
            - bring the material to class, where you will have 40 minutes to carry out the task. You can borrow the teacher´s video recorder. 
            - once the task is finished, each group must upload their project to the blog.

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